Naturopathy Healing System (Level 2)

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Language: English & Hindi

Instructors: Food n Cure

Validity Period: 365 days



Why this course?


This course is an Invitation for you to examine your relationship to your health, how you think about it, approach it, and use it to transform it. This workshop examines health as Power, as Freedom, as Burden, as Opportunity to take it to the next level using the principles of NATUROPATHY HEALING SYSTEM. We are super excited to see you in the program.

Course Curriculum

Episode 1 - Principles of Naturopathy
5 Principles Of Naturopathy
eBook - Protection from diseases (232 pages)
प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के 5 सिद्धांत (6 pages)
Episode 2 - Immunity & Your Immunity Score
Immunity & Check your Immunity Score
IMMUNITY (9 pages)
रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता (9 pages)
Episode 3 - 7 Principles of FAT Burning
7 Principles of FAT Burning (30:00)
7 Principles of FAT Burning (49 pages)
वसा जलने का सिद्धांत (49 pages)
Episode 4 - Four Body Types
Four Body Types (25:00)
Four Body Types (19 pages)
शरीर के चार प्रकार (19 pages)
Episode 5 - Tool to assess your Body type
Tool to assess your body type (21 pages)
Questionnaire to Assess your body type (11:00)
आपके शरीर के प्रकार का आकलन करने के लिए उपकरण (21 pages)
Episode 6 - Adrenal Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Adrenal Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan (15:00)
Adrenal Body Type (14 pages)
Adrenal Body type – Diet Plan & Exercise (13 pages)
अधिवृक्क शरीर का प्रकार, पोषण आवश्यकता, आहार योजना और व्यायाम (17 pages)
Episode 7 - Ovary Body type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Ovary Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan (8:00)
Ovary Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan (13 pages)
अंडाशय के शरीर का प्रकार, पोषण संबंधी आवश्यकताएं, आहार योजना और व्यायाम (13 pages)
Episode 8 - Thyroid Body type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Thyroid Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Thyroid Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan (14 pages)
थायराइड शरीर का प्रकार, पोषण संबंधी आवश्यकताएं, आहार योजना और व्यायाम (14 pages)
Episode 9 - Liver Body type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Liver Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan
Liver Body Type, Nutritional Requirement & Diet Plan (13 pages)
Episode 9 -लीवर के शरीर का प्रकार, पोषण संबंधी आवश्यकताएं, आहार योजना और व्यायाम (13 pages)
लीवर के शरीर का प्रकार, पोषण संबंधी आवश्यकताएं, आहार योजना और व्यायाम (13 pages)
Episode 10 - Stick to a Diet Plan Guranteed !
Stick to Diet Plan - Guaranteed
Sticking to the plan-GUARANTEED (22 pages)
गारंटीकृत आहार योजना पर टिके रहें (22 pages)
Episode 11 - Five Fold Food
Five Fold Food
Five Fold Foods (25 pages)
पांच गुना भोजन (25 pages)
Episode 12 - Anger - Enemy of Health
Anger- Enemy of Health (30:00)
गुस्सा - स्वास्थ्य का दुश्मन (35 pages)
Episode 13 - Why GUT cleanse is Important
Why Gut Cleanse is Important
Why Gut cleanse is important (12 pages)
आंत की सफाई क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है (12 pages)
Episode 14 - Detoxification in Naturopathy & its methods
Science of Detoxification (43:00)
Links to buy Enema Kit and Wet Pack
Enema & Wet Pack (27 pages)
Enema (12:00)
Detoxification Method - Wet pack (7:00)
प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा में विषहरण और इसकी विधि (27 pages)
Episode 15 - Types of Food
Types of Foods
Types of Food (9 pages)
भोजन के प्रकार (9 pages)
Episode 16 - Four Qualities of Food
4 Qualities of Food (17:00)
4 Qualities of Food (9 pages)
भोजन के चार गुण (9 pages)
Episode 17 - 10 FAT Burning Triggers & Blockers
Fat Burning Triggers & Blockers
Fat Burning Triggers and Blockers (13 pages)
10 वसा जलाने वाले ट्रिगर और अवरोधक (13 pages)
Episode 18 - FAT Burning & FAT Storing Hormones
FAT Burning & FAT Storing Hormones (19:00)
FAT Burning & FAT Storing Hormones (16 pages)
वसा जलाने और वसा संचय करने वाला हार्मोन (16 pages)
Episode 19 - Pran Shakti & Intermittent Fasting
Pran Shakti, 16 Hours Fasting and Secrets of right way of eating
Episode 20 - Sun Gazing
Sungazing – How To Use Sunlight As Medicine For Your Body
Episode 21 - Hydro (water) Therapy
Hydro Therapy
Hydro Therapy (26 pages)
जलचिकित्सा (26 pages)
Episode 22 - Chromotherapy (Healing with colors)
Chromotherapy (22 pages)
रंजित-प्रकाशचिकित्‍सा (रंगों से उपचार) (22 pages)
Life, by Okinawa: A human connection (4:00)
The remote Japanese island where the locals refuse to die (7:00)
IKIGAI (13 pages)
इकिगाई होने का उद्देश्य (13 pages)
Episode 24 - Types of Burping
Types of Burps (14 pages)
Burps (13:00)
डकार के प्रकार (14 pages)
Episode 25 - Why Sugar is not Sweet for our Life
Why Sugar is not sweet for your Life (27 pages)
चीनी हमारे जीवन के लिए मीठी क्यों नहीं है (27 pages)
Episode 26 - Enema & Wet Pack
Enema & Wet Pack (27 pages)
Enema (12:00)
Detoxification Method - Wet pack (7:00)
Episode 26 (27 pages)
Episode 27 - Utensils from the lens of Naturopathy
Utensils from the lens of Naturopathy (25 pages)
प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के लेंस से बर्तन (25 pages)
Episode 28 - Sleep, A Magical Pill
Sleep - A Magical Pill (24 pages)
नींद - एक जादुई गोली (24 pages)
Episode 29 - Naturopathy Cure for Obesity and Weight Loss
Naturopathy Cure for Obesity and Weight Loss (41 pages)
Naturopathy Cure for Obesity and Weight Loss (23:00)
मोटापे और वजन घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा उपचार (41 pages)
Episode 30 - Nature Cure for High Blood Pressure
Nature Cure for Hypertension (19:00)
Nature Cure for Hypertension (23 pages)
उच्च रक्तचाप का प्राकृतिक इलाज (23 pages)
Episode 31 - Nature Cure for Thyroid
Nature Cure for Thyroid (27:00)
Naturopathy for Thyroid (37 pages)
थायराइड का प्राकृतिक इलाज (37 pages)
Bonus 1 - Breatheology
Breatheology (19 pages)
Bonus 2 - Wellness Tea
Wellness Tea (23 pages)
कल्याणकारी चाय (23 pages)
Bonus 3 - Detox Juice Recipes
Detox Yourself with Juices (14 pages)
जूस से खुद को डिटॉक्स करें (14 pages)
Bonus 4 - Yoga Protocol Blue print
Yoga Protocol Blue print (46 pages)
योग प्रोटोकॉल खाका (46 pages)
Bonus 5 - Shankha Prakshalana
Shankh Prakshalan (19 pages)
शंख प्रक्षालन (19 pages)
Bonus 6 - Natural Beauty Care
The_Beauty_Influencers_Content_Bible (270 pages)
Bonus 7 - E-Books
Key to health (53 pages)
Return to Nature - By Adolf Just (206 pages)
Breatheology (269 pages)
Become-healthy-or-extinct-darryl-dsouza (180 pages)
Protection from diseases (232 pages)
MudraTherapy (72 pages)
What_your_doctor_doesn't_know_about_nutritional_medicine_may_be (151 pages)
The Detox Miracle (662 pages)
स्वास्थ्य की कुंजी (53 pages)
प्रकृति की ओर लौटें (206 pages)
स्वस्थ-या-विलुप्त-डेरिल-डीसूज़ा बनें (180 pages)
What_your_doctor_doesn't_know_about_nutritional_medicine_may_be (Hindi) (151 pages)
Bonus 8 - Naturopathy Guidelines as per Ministry of Ayush
Naturopathy Guidelines (14 pages)
प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा दिशानिर्देश (14 pages)
Bonus 9 - Health Coach Bible
The_Health_Coachs_Content_Bible_Ebook (242 pages)
स्वास्थ्य_कोच_सामग्री_बाइबिल_ईबुक (242 pages)
Bonus 10 - Microgreens - A Super food
Microgreens - A Super food (24 pages)
माइक्रोग्रीन्स - एक सुपर फूड (24 pages)
Ashgourd Juice
Miracle Benefits of Ash Gourd Juice/petha, How to make Ash gourd juice
Composite Chapati
Secrets of Detox Roti & its Recipe (13:00)
Detox Subzi
How to prepare Delicious & Nutritious Detox Subzi (Oil-free Subzi)
Detox Salad for Super Immunity
Detox Salad for Super Immunity (20:00)
Magical Diet Plan
Magical Diet Plan (6:00)
Magical Diet Plan ver 1.0 (6 pages)
जादुई आहार योजना (6 pages)
Other Resources
Foods-to-eat-and-avoid (1 pages)
15 Superfood for your Heart (15 pages)
Acid Alkaline Food List (5 pages)
खाने योग्य और परहेज करने योग्य खाद्य पदार्थ (1 pages)
अम्ल क्षारीय खाद्य सूची (5 pages)
Ancient Way of Eating (16 pages)
Emotional Detox - What Happend & the Story (16 pages)
Naturopathy for Thyroid (37 pages)
Naturopathy cure for Obesity and weight Loss (41 pages)
Why Sugar is not sweet for your Life (27 pages)
Naturopathy for Constipation (26 pages)
Auto-immune diseases (24 pages)
Three stages of Diseases (12 pages)
खाने के प्राचीन तरीके (16 pages)
भावनात्मक डिटॉक्स - कहानी का क्या होता है (16 pages)
थायराइड के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (37 pages)
मोटापे और वजन घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा उपचार (41 pages) Preview
चीनी हमारे जीवन के लिए मीठी क्यों नहीं है (27 pages)
कब्ज के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (26 pages)
स्व - प्रतिरक्षी रोग (24 pages)
Healing with Colors (32 pages)
Types of Bath - Sunbath, Mudbath, Airbath (24 pages)
Why Sugar is not Sweet for Our Health
Ancient Ways of Healthy Eating
BURPING - From The Lens of Naturopathy
Sleep - A Magical Pill
Naturopathy for Diabetes
Naturopathy for Hypertension
pcod file

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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